Credit Repair & Restoration

Credit Repair & Restoration

Your credit score affects your bank account and everything you do on a day to day basis. You may not know it but the rating of your personal finances can affect nearly every aspect of life from purchasing a home, refinancing your mortgage, or even securing an auto loan if need be-in fact anything that requires financing for purchase will likely have some degree of reliance on one's credit history!

We are the only company that offers a service consisting of both credit repair attorneys and automated dispute letters. With our industry-leading customer support, you will never have to worry about being on your own when dealing with these pressing financial matters.

We demand documentation from creditors to report on negative items in your credit reports. This is far more impactful than sending out disputes, as if an item cannot be proven then it must be removed by law.

Our credit repair attorney can help you clear away any bad items from your report. Once we've removed it, the item is gone for good.

We know that waiting for results after repairing your credit might seem excruciatingly long. But most often there's no need because we do not take longer than six months from start until completion--and sometimes even sooner with how quickly you're seeing success thanks to us here over at Credit Repair Company.

Chicago Credit Repair offers credit restoration plans that are designed to help individuals with any specific requirements.


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